Section 1 - Student Attendance


St. Mary's County Public Schools' student attendance policy is based on the overriding premise that success is dependent upon continuous and consistent classroom instructional experience. Students need opportunities to master essential academic knowledge and skills, to develop an appropriate sense of self-worth, to establish positive peer relationships, and to develop a sense of responsibility.

The school cannot educate students or provide support and assistance to students when they are absent.  

The school stands in loco parentis during school functions and, therefore, must take measures to ensure the safety and well-being of its students.

Under law, every child who resides in St. Mary's County and is five (5) years or older and under eighteen (18) shall attend a public school regularly during the entire school year, unless the child is elsewhere receiving regular, thorough instruction during the school year in the studies taught in the public schools to children of the same age.  This applies only to students who turned age seventeen (17) on or after July 1, 2017.

Admission to Kindergarten

Children admitted to the Kindergarten program in the public schools shall be at least five years old on or before September 1 of the school year in which they apply for entrance.

Early entrance to Kindergarten may be considered for children who will not be five years old on or before September 1 but will be five years old by November 1 and who demonstrate exceptional ability in reading and mathematics. 

Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) may request information concerning early entrance to Kindergarten from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at 301-475-5511, ext. 32101. 

Admission to First Grade

Children admitted to the first grade in the public schools shall be at least six years old on or before September 1 of the school year in which they apply for entrance. Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) may request information concerning early entrance to first grade from the child’s home school or the Supervisor of Elementary Programs at 301-475-5511, ext. 32123.  


Registration Procedures

All persons age 5 through 20 whose parent(s)/legal guardian(s) reside within St. Mary's County may attend public schools without payment of tuition.

A birth certificate or other proof of legal age (outlined in the Maryland Student Records System Manual)  and proof of residence are required by the school administration upon registration. 

All students entering school for the first time are required to have a physical examination, submit a report from the examining physician, and present certification stating that the child has received immunizations against communicable diseases as specified by the department of health.  

Registration in Attendance Areas

Admission to a public school will be made by registering at the school which is located in the attendance area where the applicant resides.

Application for admission or transfer by students who reside outside the attendance area will be made to the Director of Student Services/Director of Special Education.

Minor Students

Minor students must be accompanied by parent(s)/legal guardian(s) to register for school.

McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act

St. Mary's County Public Schools does not discriminate against homeless students. In accordance with the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, when students who are homeless enter a school to register, they are admitted even if they do not have appropriate paperwork.


Permission to Leave School During the School Day

When leaving school early, students are required to bring a written request from the parent(s)/legal guardian(s). A student under the age of 18 must be signed in or out by his/her parent(s)/ legal guardian(s). A valid photo identification must be presented when signing students out of school.  Students 18  years of age or older must be emancipated in order to sign themselves in or out of school.  (SMCPS Policy JEF, Regulation JEF-R)

Early Dismissal

Students should not be dismissed early from school for religious instruction classes, music, dance, gymnastics, or similar classes.


The parent(s)/legal guardian(s) of a student must provide the necessary documentation for absences on the day that the student returns to school. If the necessary documentation is not received by the school within three (3) school days, the absence(s) will be coded unlawful. Appropriate documentation of absences should include the child’s name, date(s) of absence, reason for absence, and parent(s)’/legal guardian(s)’ signature (written note). The documentation may be provided by phone, email, school website portal, or written note.

Days Absent

A student is counted present for a full day if the student is in attendance for four hours or more of the school day. A student is counted present for one-half (½) day if in attendance for at least two hours of the school day, but less than four hours. A grade 12 student scheduled for less than a full day is to be counted present based on the amount of time he/she is scheduled. For example, a grade 12 student scheduled for a two hour block of time will be counted present for a full day if the student is in attendance for that block of time. If the student is absent for that block of time, the student will be counted absent for a full day. A grade 12 student scheduled for a two hour block of time will be counted present for one-half (½) day if the student is in attendance for one hour. 

Lawful Absences

The following reasons are deemed lawful absences:

Excessive Absences

If a student is absent twenty-five (25) or more days, the student will be referred to the Pupil Services Team (PST) for consideration of retention for the following year and/or credit withholding to ensure that the student has had an appropriate opportunity to learn and master grade level skills and/or course content. Students who are excessively absent from school may be referred to the Interagency Committee on School Attendance (ICSA).

Tardiness/Early Sign Out

Students arriving to school after the start of the student’s school day will be considered tardy.  Students leaving early before the end of the school day will be counted as having a sign out.


St. Mary’s County Public Schools provides full day Pre-Kindergarten 4 programs for qualifying four-year old children with bus transportation to and from their home school. The goal of the Pre-Kindergarten program is to provide initial learning experiences to help children develop basic skills and concepts necessary for successful school performance. Under state law, a child must be  four (4) years old on or before September 1 of the year in which they apply for entrance. Pre-Kindergarten is a need-based program and children with a verifiable income up to 185% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) being offered admission first.  Families who meet income qualifications up to 300% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) are deemed income eligible and may be served if space is available.

Admission for Pre-Kindergarten

All families are welcome to apply; however, it is not a first come first serve program. A child must be four (4) years old on or before September 1 of the year in which they apply for entrance. Children are admitted to the program based on verified income eligibility. Each year, the Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines are published and used to determine income eligibility brackets. For the 2024-2025 school year an online application is available. Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) may apply and upload their child’s proof of birth, proof of residency, and documentation of the families' annual yearly income. Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) without Wi-Fi access may contact the Department of Equity, Engagement, and Early Access (EEEA) for assistance at 301-475-5511, extension 32136. The Department of EEEA and all elementary schools also have printed applications available in English and Spanish. Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) of eligible children are notified beginning in late-June. Children who are not eligible for immediate placement will be placed on a waitlist. 

Pre-Kindergarten Attendance

Establishing regular on-time attendance is important to launch childhood routines, basic skills, and social-emotional expectations for learning.  A Pre-Kindergarten student is counted present if the student is in attendance two (2) hours or more during the school day.


Short-term instruction is provided to students who are unable to attend in-person classes due to properly diagnosed physical or emotional health conditions. These services will be provided virtually or in a location determined by the Department of Student Services, with a responsible adult being present. The duration of services is determined by the authorized prescriber and approved by the supervisor of Home/Hospital Teaching, who assigns home teachers to students. Home/Hospital teaching, although correlated with the student's planned course of studies, cannot provide all of the resources and courses provided at school. It is for short term educational assistance. All efforts should be made to have students returnto school. Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) may contact the school counselor for information and required forms.  All questions related to school activities should be directed to the school. When school buildings are closed to students and staff for public safety and/or public health concerns, the delivery of Home/Hospital teaching services may be re-evaluated.