Section 6 - School Information
St. Mary’s County Public Schools’ start and end times vary for each school. Please refer to School Times Report for the schedule of each school. Teachers remain for 30 minutes after the end of the school day.
Walkers and students who are not transported by the bus are not to arrive at school any earlier than 15 minutes prior to the start of the school day. Staff members are not available to supervise students prior to this time. Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) who wish to transport students home from school should pick them up no later than 15 minutes after the end of the school day.
When it is necessary for a student to leave school early or be transported by other means, please follow these procedures:
Write a note for the school office stating the date, time of departure, and who will be signing the student out from the school office.
In all cases, parent(s)/legal guardian(s) or designated person must show photo identification in order to sign a student out of his/her school.
The teacher will be notified to send the student to the office to leave school.
Should there be a circumstance in which a spouse or former spouse is prohibited from picking up the student, school personnel must have a copy of the court order for the student's file.
Students may not stay after dismissal time without prior permission. In the event of special school programs or school-approved community programs, students who remain must present a note stating:
Student's name
Reason for staying after school
Time of pick up
Parent(s)’/legal guardian(s)’ signature
Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) are responsible for and must pick up their child(ren) at the designated time.
On most days, classroom teachers are available after school to help students. Students should be encouraged to seek extra help during this time. Transportation must be arranged for and approved in advance by the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) and the school administration.
Students who remain after school for activities, discipline, and/or extra help in their subjects must have a permission form signed by parent(s)/legal guardian(s).
Teacher supervision will continue until the last student has been released to the parent(s)/ legal guardian(s). Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) are expected to pick up their student immediately after the end of the activity.
Written permission from parent(s)/legal guardian(s) is the preferred process to allow students to remain after school for an activity. In some instances, phone permission or email from the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) may be approved by the principal or assistant principal.
Students are provided computer access privileges to facilitate their learning. These educational resources include access to the internet, Google Workspace for Education, online learning platforms, eBooks, and electronic educational resources.
St. Mary’s County Public Schools (SMCPS) recognizes that access to and use of the Internet is an appropriate tool for instruction. Precautions are taken to attempt to ensure that the Internet is a safe learning environment for students. In accordance with the SMCPS Network Usage Standards, all use of the network and email communications must be in support of education, research and professional usage that is consistent with the purposes of St. Mary's County Public Schools. In accordance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), SMCPS utilizes filtering software in an attempt to block access to objectionable material. Students will be supervised while using the Internet at or on school property and will be instructed in the appropriate and safe use, selections, and evaluation of information. Per COMAR, opting out of curriculum based resources is not an option.
Our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) includes detailed information that outlines the student's responsibilities when accessing the internet nd using their SMCPS issued device. The AUP can be accessed here. Additionally, all families must complete the Google Workspace for Education Additional Services Agreement form each year. This agreement grants students access to services that are not considered Google’s core services such as YouTube, Google Maps, etc.
Violations: The use of computer systems in school and access to the Internet is a privilege. Consequences for unacceptable use of the computer systems may result in the denial of access privileges and be held to the consequences in the Student Code of Conduct.
Violation of the policy may be a violation of law, civil regulations, or the SMCPS Code of Student Conduct. Should a student violate the policy, access to hardware, software, or the Internet may be suspended, school disciplinary action may be taken, and/or appropriate legal action may result.
The Career Counseling Program assists students with:
acquiring skills to investigate the world of work and gain knowledge of self to make informed career decisions; and
understanding the relationship between personal qualities, educational preparation, and career planning
The career counseling program, in partnership with the Southern Maryland Workforce Development Board and the College of Southern Maryland, provides middle and high school students a foundation for academic and career planning. Career Advisors hold classroom, small group, and individual career conversations with students to assist them in developing career pathways that reflect their interests, personality traits, and values.
St. Mary’s County Public Schools (SMCPS) maintains partnerships to initiate and implement a Three Point Plan to Focus On Cyber Use and Safety (FOCUS). The plan includes:
All SMCPS’ elementary school students will receive cyber safety instruction through lessons presented by the media specialist,
All SMCPS’ secondary school students will receive instruction through student assemblies and/or school-based programs in collaboration with the media specialist, and
SMCPS will reinforce the importance of cyber safety through public forums.
Additional information is available on the SMCPS’ Department of Safety and Security website
Fall eligibility will be determined by the prior year’s overall GPA including summer school marks.
In order to be academically eligible to participate in after-school activities in high school, students in grades nine through twelve must maintain a G.P.A. of at least 2.0. Summer School credit will apply in the application of the eligibility code. Incoming ninth graders are eligible until the first marking period grades come out, at which time they will lose eligibility if their G.P.A. is not at least 2.0.
Any exceptions or appeals to the student eligibility code must be submitted in writing to the school principal within one week of the distribution of report cards or final grades. Any appeal of the high school principal’s decision should be directed to the Superintendent of Schools within ten (10) days of the high school principal’s decision.
Students receiving special education services or students with a 504 Plan may be exempted by the school Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team or the 504 Team when it is determined that failure to meet the eligibility requirement is a result of the nature and severity of the student’s disability.
Students in grades nine through twelve who achieve a G.P.A. of 2.0 or higher may participate without restrictions, as long as they maintain their G.P.A. at this level, and do not become ineligible for one of the following reasons:
Absence from school. A student must be present for at least half of the school day. In extenuating circumstances an exception may be approved by the principal.
Suspension from school. A student remains ineligible until reinstated by the principal and has attended classes for at least one school day.
In-school intervention. A student assigned in-school intervention is ineligible on the day(s) of the assignment.
The school will accept checks from parent(s)/ legal guardian(s) for field trips, books, pictures, fees, equipment, and other school functions. Electronic payment via MySchool Bucks is an option for most school based fees.
Students will be charged a nominal rental fee yearly for music equipment. A fee will be assessed for lost or damaged school materials and equipment, to include laptops and chargers. Repairs due to a student’s intentional damage or destruction of school property will be assessed to the student.
Checks are to be made out to the school or as indicated. Post-dated checks may not be accepted. Fees will be assessed for returned checks.
If parent(s)/legal guardian(s) do not wish to write a check, cash may be sent with the student. The cash should be placed in an envelope or wrapped in some way and marked with the student's name and room number, amount, and its purpose. Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) should make every effort to try to send the exact amount.
Students should not bring money to school except for a school-related special purpose.
Field trips are carefully planned and specifically related to the classroom instructional program. Each trip is designed for a certain grade level student. While we appreciate parent(s)'/legal guardian(s)’ time and help as volunteers, we cannot honor requests that younger children (in or out of school) be allowed to accompany parent(s)/legal guardian(s) on field trips.
Food and Nutrition Services is committed to serving students and staff nutritious and flavorful meals, while providing nutrition education and acting as advocates for student health.
St. Mary's County Public Schools Food and Nutrition Services participates in the National School Lunch Program approved by the Maryland State Department of Education. This program offers breakfast and lunch meals that meet the nutritional guidelines set forth by the United States Department of Agriculture. These meals are available for purchase at our cafeterias along with a la carte and snack items.
Students may qualify for free or reduced-price meals. To determine eligibility for free or reduced-price meals, please obtain and submit an application for free or reduced-price meals. Paper applications can be obtained at school sites. Online applications are also available at Please submit one application for your entire household and include any foster children. Return your completed form to the student’s school office. Call the Department of Food and Nutrition Services at (301) 475-4256, ext. 5 if you need help completing this form.
Our cafeterias operate a computerized point- of-sale system. This system utilizes the student‘s identification number and the student’s photo to identify students paying for their meals. Students may pay for their meal with cash or personal check. Money may be placed on their account electronically by adding funds using MySchoolBucks. A MySchoolBucks account may be setup by visiting The website may also be used to set up automatic replenishment of your student’s account and to view cafeteria purchases made by your student. There is no charge for using this service. Please visit the Food Services web site for meal prices and to familiarize yourself with the “Unpaid Meal Charges Policy” regarding insufficient funds to your student’s account and “Student Account Balance Policy” that refers to the refund of positive balances. Also listed are the current meal prices. For daily menus, allergy, and nutritional information please visit the Food Services web site.
If there is an unscheduled early dismissal day due to inclement weather or an emergency condition, your Pre-Kindergarten student may have a delayed departure from school and will be offered the lunch meal. This may create a negative balance on your student’s meal account that will need to be paid. Placing money on your Pre-Kindergarten students’ account will ensure there are sufficient funds to cover this meal.
The evaluation of student progress is a continuous process. It involves many evaluative activities which are an integral part of the learning experience. Students are evaluated on their progress on the standards in which they are being instructed. The teacher completes the report card based on teacher observation, classroom performance, and formative assessment data.
The grading system consists of letter grades based on a numerical percentage grading scale.
Letter Grade equation to Percentage**
A = 90%-100%
B = 80%-89%
C = 70%-79%
D = 60%-69%
F = 0%-59%
**All percent scores are rounded to the nearest whole number. Anything below .5 rounds down and anything .5 and above rounds up.
Home Access Center (HAC) is a web-based communication link between school and home. Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) may view report cards, school transcripts, class schedules, attendance records, and discipline reports for the purpose of providing educational guidance to their children. Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) will be provided with a user name and password upon request and with proper identification. If you are having problems with your username, password, or login, please contact your school.
Schoology is the Learning Management System used by SMCPS. Schoology helps to keep students and parent(s)/guardian(s) informed of the nature of assignments being given, due dates, and student performance. Schoology allows students to access resources and school materials online, at any time.
Homework is assigned to supplement or reinforce classroom teaching and learning. Homework may be assigned for practice, to strengthen new skills, to complete unfinished classroom assignments, and to work on projects or guided reading activities begun in each class. The frequency of assignments will depend upon the nature of the subject, the content being studied, the grade level, and the learning objective. If you have questions regarding specific homework assignments, please direct them to your child’s teacher.
Elementary and Middle
Students participate in the following programs, taught by area specialists, as part of their regular daily instruction:
Art, Grades K-8*
Library Media, Grades K-5
Music, Grades K-8*
Physical Education, Grades K-8
*Students are given a choice of Fine Arts on their schedules in grades 6, 7, and 8.
Instruction for Pre-Kindergarten students in half-day programs in the areas of art, media, music, and physical education is provided by the classroom teacher and supported by area specialists.
The schools also offer numerous programs that extend, supplement, and/or enrich the regular school curriculum.
These programs involve specific student groups within the schools. For further information, contact your child's school.
Information related to the instructional program for high school students is available in the High School Program of Studies. The Program of Studies may be found on the SMCPS website.
St. Mary’s County Public Schools does not provide medical payment coverage for student accidents that occur during school-related activities. The school system has selected and made available to parent(s)/legal guardian(s), on a voluntary basis, student accident insurance coverage to provide affordable coverage options. Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) are encouraged to take advantage of purchasing such coverage for their children. At the beginning of each school year, information will be sent home with each student stating several types of coverage options available and the premium cost per student. Anyone who wishes to purchase one of the insurance coverage options will be able to do it online directly with the insurance carrier.
St. Mary’s County Public Schools does not carry insurance that covers lost or stolen personal items of any student, including musical instruments. You and your child are encouraged to take special care of musical instruments and/or personal items that are brought to school. St. Mary's County Public Schools advises parent(s)/legal guardian(s) to check their homeowner's or renter's insurance to see if their policy covers such loss.
The library/media center has an open circulation policy. The privilege of its use carries with it the responsibility of care for the materials and promptness of their return. All media centers in SMCPS use Destiny for book check out. Overdue notices are sent out periodically to students and their parents/guardians, and detail the items the student has checked out from the media center. A borrower is held responsible for damaged and lost materials. Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) will be notified about any debt due to the school. Overdue and fine notices will be generated and emailed from Destiny.
All students are afforded the opportunity to use the library/media center on a regular basis. All media centers in SMCPS use Destiny for book check out. Overdue notices are sent out periodically to students and their parents/guardians and detail the items the student has checked out from the media center. This check-out system maintains an up-to-date borrowing record for each student.
Fines are not charged for overdue books, but materials that are not returned or are severely damaged must be paid for in full. Overdue and fine notices will be generated and emailed from Destiny.
Students with lawful absences/tardiness are allowed to receive full credit for any make-up work. They are also allowed to make up and take alternative exams/tests. It is the responsibility of the student and/or parent(s)/legal guardian(s) to request the make-up work and turn in completed assignments within five (5) school days upon return to school from the absence or in an agreed upon time period as determined by the school principal or designee. If a student who is lawfully absent fails to make up work within this timeframe, he or she will receive a grade of zero for the assignment(s). Refer to SMCPS Board Regulation JHCG-R for information related to pregnant and parenting students.
Students who are unlawfully absent will have the opportunity to make up the work, but they will forfeit the opportunity to earn credit for the work.
Parent/legal guardian/teacher conferences are an essential part of the school/parent communication process. A conference may be initiated by either the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) or school personnel. The conference should afford an opportunity for sharing information to promote the welfare and achievement of the student.
All conferences should be scheduled in advance, when possible.
School parties are to be kept to a minimum. Generally, observances are held for certain holidays. Other parties should be held only with the permission of the appropriate school personnel. Due to food allergy and food safety concerns, all food brought to school for students to consume, excluding individual student lunches, shall be commercially prepared and packaged (to include an ingredient list).
Personal property (coats, jackets, lunch boxes, etc.) should always be clearly identified with the student's name. Items not related to the instructional program should remain at home unless the student has received permission from the classroom teacher to share the item with classmates. Valuable items such as expensive electronics, watches, and jewelry, or large sums of money should not be brought to school. The school is not responsible for lost or damaged property.
Students, with the advice of parent(s)/legal guardian(s), should carefully select the personal property that is brought to school. Valuable items such as expensive electronics, watches, and jewelry, or large sums of money should not be brought to school. The school is not responsible for lost or damaged property.
The study of animals may be included in the instructional program of some students. For safety and health reasons, animals are not to be brought to school without prior permission from the school administrator. Animals may not be transported on school buses.
In order to minimize interruptions during the school day, calls to teachers will be accepted by office personnel and the messages given to teachers, except for emergency situations. Every effort will be made to respond to your communication within 24 hours.
Students' progress shall be monitored throughout the school year and parent(s)/legal guardian(s) shall be notified of unsatisfactory progress at the earliest indication.
The final responsibility for decisions regarding promotion and retention of elementary and middle school students rests with the principal, after consultation with teachers and parent(s)/legal guardian(s).
High school students must earn the appropriate number of credits to be promoted.
Elementary report cards are issued four times a year. Please review these reports carefully and discuss them with your child. If you have questions about the report, contact the school to schedule a conference. The System Operational Calendar provides the dates for report card distribution. Secondary report cards are issued four times a year. Please review these reports carefully and discuss them with your child. If you have any questions about the report, contact the school to schedule a conference. The System Operational Calendar provides the dates for report card distribution.
The school counseling program provides services to students, their families, and school staff that are intended to facilitate the personal and academic growth of all students, ensure the development of effective educational and career decision-making skills, and promote the development of appropriate interpersonal skills among all students.
School Counselors are available to assist students in:
acquiring skills, attitudes, and knowledge to succeed in school
employing strategies to succeed in school
understanding the relationship of academics to the world of work, life at home, and in the community
understanding the relationship between personal qualities, education and training, and the world of work
acquiring attitudes, knowledge, and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others
understanding safety and survival skills.
Students are encouraged to meet and talk with their counselors whenever the need occurs. Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) are encouraged to discuss with the counselor their child’s educational and career planning, as well as any concerns they have about their child’s progress. Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) are also encouraged to attend conferences and other programs offered at their child’s school. Effective communication as concerns arise may prevent difficulties at a later date.
The school counseling program provides services to students, their families, and school staff that are intended to facilitate the personal and academic growth of all students, ensure the development of effective educational and career decision-making skills, and promote the development of appropriate interpersonal skills among all students.
School Counselors are available to assist students in:
acquiring skills, attitudes, and knowledge to succeed in school
understanding the relationship of academics to the world of work
acquiring the skills to investigate the world of work in relation to knowledge of self and to make informed career decisions
understanding the relationship between personal qualities, education and training, and career planning
acquiring attitudes, knowledge, and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others
Students are encouraged to meet and talk with their counselors whenever the need occurs. Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) are encouraged to discuss with the counselor their child’s educational and career planning, as well as concerns they have about their child’s progress. Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) are also encouraged to attend conferences and other programs offered at their child’s school.
The safety and education of young drivers is a priority in St. Mary’s County. St. Mary’s County Public Schools will reinforce safe driving through student activities, media releases, and public service announcements.
Students requesting a parking permit at a high school:
must view a presentation addressing young driver high risk behavior,
must sign a safe driving contract, and
are required to attend a student assembly about safe driving and traffic safety
For more information about this and other prevention programs and additional resources please visit
Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) will be asked to provide supplies for their child(ren). Requested materials may differ by grade and by teacher.
The St. Mary's County Public School System assigns resources for all public school students. Student resources can be defined as textbooks, laptops, iPads, novels, workbooks etc. SMCPS uses Destiny Resource Manager to track all student resources issued to a student and school. Student resources are checked out to students through the media center. Once resources are issued to a student, it becomes the student's responsibility to care for the resources and technology device(s). If a student loses or damages a checked out resource, it is the student’s responsibility to pay the associated fine(s). The school must be reimbursed for lost or damaged resources.
When a loss/damage is confirmed, fines are assessed through Destiny Resource Manager. For any lost student resources, students/families will receive debt letters generated and sent via email from Destiny. Those in receipt of these letters will work with their school-based staff to reconcile this debt for lost or damaged resources. These assorted debts will be linked to students throughout their SMCPS career until the debt issue is resolved.
Detailed information on accountability, pricing of damaged technology, and care and liability can be found on our student accountability document located at:
Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) and community participation in schools is important and valued. In addition to serving as a resource for teachers and students, it indicates that parent(s)/legal guardian(s) and community members are interested in and committed to the educational process. These visits also build understanding and confidence in our schools. We encourage parent(s)/legal guardian(s) and community visits and assistance whenever possible.
When planning a visit, it is requested that you call the school to arrange a convenient time. In order to minimize disruption to students' learning, we ask that you please refrain from bringing other children when you visit.
For the safety of our students, all visitors must report to the office and sign in upon entering the school and before visiting a classroom.
Visitors are expected to be considerate of the school and community expectations and ideals. These expectations include appropriate dress and demeanor. Clothing displaying or suggesting profanity, sexual activity, weapons, alcohol, or violence should not be worn. Language and actions should demonstrate respect for the educational environment and the community. Visitors are in a position to set a positive example for students to follow.
Volunteer service to our schools supports student learning. SMCPS strives to encourage volunteerism in our schools. A background screening is required of all volunteers to ensure a safe and secure learning environment. For more information about becoming a school volunteer and volunteer resources please visit
If the activity of a volunteer organization will affect or alter the school facilities, a “Modifications to Buildings and Grounds” form must be submitted and approved before any alterations can begin. Please visit for a copy of this form.
Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) who plan to withdraw their child from school should inform the school two days prior to the departure date. Students must obtain a Maryland state form (SR 7) from the office on the morning of the withdrawal. No student can be considered withdrawn until the withdrawal form is returned, all fines and fees are paid (excluding McKinney Vento students), and a request for records has been received from the school in which the student enrolls.
End of the year promotions and final report cards will not be issued prior to the end of the school year.