Tiers of Intervention
Multi-Tiered System of Supports
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a framework that addresses the academic, social, emotional, and behavioral needs of all students by using data-based problem-solving to provide multiple levels of support for all learners. MTSS includes proactive strategies for defining, supporting, and teaching appropriate behaviors to create positive learning environments. Students often need encouragement and direct skills instruction to improve their behavior and learn new ways of responding to social and academic challenges. School staff recognizes that maintaining and changing student behaviors involves a continuum of acknowledgements, supports, and interventions that are rehabilitative, restorative, and educational.
Three Tiers of Intervention
Tier 1—Universal Interventions (ALL Students)
• Curriculum is enhanced by acknowledgments of positive behaviors and clearly stated school wide expectations that are applied to all students
• Preventative and proactive behavioral and attendance expectations are explicitly taught at the beginning of the school year, reinforced during key times (before/after breaks, etc.) throughout the year, as well as woven into the day-to-day curriculum and activities
Examples of Tier 1 Interventions
School wide behavioral expectations
Behavioral matrices (all settings)
Behavioral Acknowledgements
Social Emotional Learning
Second Step
Restorative Approaches
Responsive Classroom
Conscious Discipline
Classroom Examples
Behavior - Specific Praise
Classroom Expectations, Matrices, Rules, and Structures
Reinforcement of Appropriate Behaviors
Use of Student Problem-Solving Activities
In-Class Time-Out
Time-Out in Another Classroom Setting
Verbal Warning
Teacher-Student Conference
Parent-Teacher Conference
Tier 2—Targeted Interventions (SOME students)
• Specific interventions for students who do not respond to universal efforts and require more support
• Intervention is more explicit, systematic, intensive, and supportive
• Students continue to access Tier 1 intervensions
Examples of Tier 2 Interventions
Referral to Student Support Services Staff (school counselor, school psychologist, pupil personnel worker, social worker)
Social Skills Groups (anger management, conflict resolution, peer mediation)
Check in and Check out
Check and Connect
Restorative Approaches
In School Intervention
Zones of Regulation
Skill Streaming
Tier 3—Intensive Interventions (FEW students)
• Highly specialized or individualized instructional plan supporting the behavioral needs of individual students who need intensive supports to overcome barriers to learning academic and/or behavioral skills essential for success
• Supports focus on diminishing problem behaviors and increasing the student’s social skills and functioning
• Students continue to access Tier 1 and Tier 2 interventions
Examples of Tier 3 Interventions
Behavioral Contract
Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP)
Multi-disciplinary comprehensive assessments, such as Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBA)
Collaboration with, and linkages to, community resources & agencies
Zones of Regulation
Skill Streaming
Restorative Approaches