501 - Arson/Fire
Attempting to, aiding in, or setting fire to a building or other property. Students will be required to make restitution. The administrative investigation determines the intent, and the intent drives the consequences.
Reporting of this incident to law enforcement authorities is required. Site administrators or their designee shall promptly notify the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office through direct contact with an assigned school resource officer or by calling the sheriff’s dispatch number at 301-475-8008, requesting their response.
Apply extended suspension and expulsion only to grades 6-12.
Level 5: If the school administrator decides to request an expulsion conference, the school administrator or designee must contact the Department of Student Services within two (2) days of the alleged offense to request an expulsion conference.
Level 1-5
Setting or attempting to set a fire or helping others to set a fire with the intent or possibility of endangering others or with the result of destroying valuable property.