Destruction of School/Bus Property

806 - Destruction of School/Bus Property

Damage, destruction, or defacement of property belonging to the school or others.

Restitution is to be made. The restitution may be in the form of monetary restitution not to exceed the lesser of the fair market value of the property or $2,500.00 or the student’s assignment to a school work project, or both. (Maryland Law § 7-305(h) and COMAR 13A.08.01.11.D)

  • Schools should consider the following factors:

    • the monetary value of the destroyed property

    • whether student knew the property was valuable or expensive to replace

    • whether student acted in the heat of the moment, as opposed to planning ahead

    • the student’s age

    • the reason student destroyed the property

    • whether the behavior is persistent/habitual

  • Apply extended suspension and expulsion only to grades 6-12

  • Level 5: If the school administrator decides to request an expulsion conference, the school administrator or designee must contact the Department of Student Services within two (2) days of the alleged offense to request an expulsion conference

Level 1

Causing accidental damage.

Level 1-3

Intentionally causing damage to school/other’s property.

Level 2-5

Intentionally causing damage to school/other’s property, where the act is especially serious based on the listed factors.