Other Guns

302 - Other Guns

Bringing or possessing any gun, of any kind, loaded or unloaded, operable or inoperable including any object which is a look-alike of a gun, in school or on school grounds other than a firearm. Consideration would need to be made to the age, grade, developmental level, prior offenses, intentionality, and circumstances in determining an appropriate course of action and consequences. (See Policy JFDI for extended definitions.)

  • Apply extended suspension and expulsion only to grades 6-12.

  • Level 5: If the school administrator decides to request an expulsion conference, the school administrator or designee must contact the Department of Student Services within two (2) days of the alleged offense to request an expulsion conference.

Level 1-2

Possessing, using, or threatening to use a look-alike gun (e.g., water guns).

Level 2-5

Possessing, using, or threatening to use an unloaded/inoperable non-firearm gun (e.g., pellet guns, BB guns).

Level 3-5

Possessing, using, or threatening to use a loaded/ operable non-firearm gun.

Examples of Other Guns

Airsoft Gun, Flare Gun, Paintball Gun, Pellet Gun, BB Gun, Nail Gun, Paint Gun

Look-alike Guns

Water Gun (looks real) - Cap Gun (look-alike)

  • REMINDER: Toys that look like toys are toys, NOT WEAPONS.

  • Code toys as “704 - Disruption.”

  • Other toy guns that look real and should be identified as "look-alikes."