Other Weapons
303 - Other Weapons
Possession of any implement which could cause or is intended to cause bodily harm, other than a firearm or other gun. Consideration would need to be made to the age, grade, developmental level, prior offenses, intentionality, and circumstances in determining an appropriate course of action and consequences. (See Policy JFDI for extended definitions.)
Apply extended suspension and expulsion only to grades 6-12.
Level 5: If the school administrator decides to request an expulsion conference, the school administrator or designee must contact the Department of Student Services within two (2) days of the alleged offense to request an expulsion conference.
Level 1-4
Possessing an implement that could potentially cause injury.
Level 3-5
Using or threatening to use as a weapon an implement that is likely to cause serious bodily harm.
Examples of Other Weapons
Awl Hammer, Pepper spray, Steak knife, Bowie knife, Hypodermic needle, Pocket knife, Swiss Army knife, Box cutter knife, Poison, Switchblade, Brass knuckles, Lock Blade knife, Razor, Taser/Taser Gun, Chemicals, Metal knuckles, Razor blade, Throwing star, Dart, Metal pole, Screwdriver, Tool knife blade, Exacto knife, Nunchakus, Slingshot, Wooden club or any implement that is used with the intent to cause harm.