
803 - Theft

Taking or obtaining property of another without their permission and knowledge, including identity theft. (Full restitution is to be made.)

  • Schools should consider multiple factors, including:

    • the monetary value of the property

    • whether student knew the property was valuable or expensive to replace

    • whether student acted in the heat of the moment, as opposed to planning ahead

    • the student’s age

    • the student’s purpose in taking the property

    • whether the behavior is persistent/habitual

  • Apply extended suspension and expulsion only to grades 6-12.

  • Level 5: If the school administrator decides to request an expulsion conference, the school administrator or designee must contact the Department of Student Services within two (20 days of the alleged offense to request an expulsion conference.

Level 1-3

Taking property without owner’s permission.

Level 3-5

Taking property without owner’s permission, where the theft is especially serious based on the listed factors.